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Jul 31, 2020
Jul 28, 2011
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East Tennessee

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Weekend Warrior, from East Tennessee

mab was last seen:
Jul 31, 2020
    1. HunterC.
      Hey bud! I'm been doing pretty good. I got some new strings and stabilizer this year. I have been shooting every chance I can get! I have got serveral deer coming into my stands on a regular basis so hopefully I can arrow on early in the season. No big bucks yet but hopefully they will show up soon. I am pumped for this season. I'm working 45 hours a week plus going to school full time so it's going to be tough to get in the woods as much as I want too but I'm going to be in a tree every chance I can get. Had a bad case of kidney stones not long ago, boy was that no fun. Still have 3 more in my right kidney so hopefully I can make it through the season without having any more issues. How have you been? I know last year you had some health problems , hopefully you are doing well now. Keep me updated through out the season. I hope you can down a monster or two. Best of luck to you this fall!!
    2. HunterC.
      Hey buddy, glad to hear your still shooting. I also am going to be giving the old thunder chickens a run for there money this year. I have turkey hunted for years but never hardcore, maybe 2-3 times a season. I have never killed one before but I'm going to try and get my first one with my bow. I am in college and working full time so I am not sure how much time I will get to hunt but I will make the best of it. Best of luck this year and keep me updated on how your season goes. I hope you get to bag a thunder chicken or three.

      Good luck buddy,
    3. Bootlegger
      Yep, every other day.
    4. Bootlegger
      Being going pretty good. If you like the Bow...take it. Its fun, but hard.
    5. HunterC.
      Well I hunt two areas down there and both have been productive. Not necessarily for bucks but I have always seen deer. I focus on the deep draws and creek bottoms. I have never really had much success hunting the fields. Weavers Knob and Peavy Hollow is the main places we hunt. Also it seems the thicker the area the better. The deer will usually walk the edge of the thickets. The one I killed didn't pay the doe's any mind but I seen a smaller spike chase a doe right by me so my guess is they are in post rut and getting close to being out of it. If you can find a hidden place that hasn't been hunted much you will have good chances of killing a deer. Try to avoid running to the back, not that it is a bad place to hunt but a lot of people hunt in the back. One Wildlife Officer told us the best places tend to be just past the gates and I would think he would know best. Best of luck getting one on the ground. Keep me posted on how things go for you. You still got plenty of time to get one. I hope you get feeling better so you can get back out there. I know how it can be have physical problems hold you back, my father is disabled and this year has been very rough on him. He hasn't hunted as much as he used to and I can tell it is killing him not to be out there like he used to. God Bless and good luck getting one.
    6. HunterC.
      Hey man, how is your season going? Just got back from Chuck Swan Saturday. I was lucky enough to kill a decent spike. Seen a ton of deer and had a blast down there. Have you put anything down yet? I have had more time to hunt this year since I don't have school to worry about and have had my best season ever. Killed two doe's with my bow, one doe with my muzzleloader, and that spike with my rifle. I have been very blessed this season. Let me know how you are doing.
    7. HunterC.
      Yellow Jackets.... those suckers are a pain! Good luck and maybe you can get one down. I got to work but I will be back at it Saturday.
    8. HunterC.
      Hey bud just thought I would see if you went out today and if you done any good. I went this morning with no luck but shot a little one this afternoon about 3:30-4:00. I was super excited, my second deer with a bow.
    9. HunterC.
      OH YEAH!! Spent $500 dollars in hunting gear yesterday. Checked my cam today and got a deer on cam that if I get a chance at him, he will be my biggest deer yet. Got some nice big'ol does on cam too!! Hopefully I can get something on the ground. I hope you get one on the ground also. Good luck brother!
    10. HunterC.
      It could be a blessing in disguise. I have always wanted to take a deer with my bow from the ground. I bet you can still do just as good from the ground. when you get that deer eye to eye with you, you get a rush that's unlike anything else.
    11. HunterC.
      I'm glad to hear you are doing better bud. Good to hear you will be able to get in the woods. I hope you get a good one this year. Best of luck to you and keep me posted on how your season goes this year. Only 17 more days to go till the opener and I can't wait!
    12. HunterC.
      Hey bud, just checking in to see how you are doing? Hope you are better, I have been keeping you in my prayers.
    13. HunterC.
      Hey bud, sorry to take so long to get back. I have had it a little rough lately and have been able to get on much. I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I couldn't handle not getting to hunt. I will keep you in mind and pray for you and a speedy recovery. I hope all goes well for you and you can get back in the woods soon. Keep in touch and if you ever need a ear to talk to I'm always willing to listen. I have a lot going on in my life right now and a lot of stress so my hunting season may be set aside for a while. Just give it to God and he will help you out. Good luck with everything and I will keep you in mind and in my prayers.
    14. Bootlegger
      I know your feeling....I had back surgery a year ago this past May. Best thing I ever done.
    15. Bootlegger
      I talked to the game warden...if its 51% salt of more you can hunt over it. Just now grain type stuff.
    16. Bootlegger
      Not sure WMA's...never hunt on them. I hunt my land 90% of the time. I just know your not allowed to hunt over any bait...such as salt licks and feeders or trails leading to to the feed. Not sure how they determine about the I just know you can't hunt over the bait.
    17. mab
      Even on WMA's?
    18. Bootlegger
      You can't hunt over the bait is all though.
    19. Bootlegger
      Deer love acorns here in TN.
    20. HunterC.
      Deer do seem to like White Oaks a lot. I personally look for areas with a good source of Oaks that drop good amounts of acorns every year. If you are near farm land this can be a little touchy as to if the deer will use this a primary food source since they will probably use the crops as there primary source. Around here grassy fields is also a huge food source. If you are not near any crops, Oaks is probably your best bet. Deer love Persimmon but I have never found a good enough Persimmon patch to hunt so I don't have any experience with that. Your best bet is to find their bedding and feeding area and set up in the middle. I know this is harder done then said but it just takes time and lots of effort to do this, which if your like me time is something hard to come by. Once you spend time in the stand you should get a feel for where they deer are moving and are not moving. Sometimes the place that looks the best will end up being the worst and you wont find out till you hunt it. I'm no expert but just taking for my experiences. Also something that can work is to hunt on the edge of thickets since deer seem to like to move along the edge of them. I like to find good trails and hunt along them just to see what kind of deer movement will be on those trails and just move around till I find a honey hole. Just my .02 but it has seemed to work, might take a while to dial in your spot but with time you can find that spot, just be persistent.
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  • About

    East Tennessee
    Started bow hunting in Southern Michigan. Have not had a kill yet. Moved to Florida a few years ago (bad mistake). Now I am in Tenn. and I am excited to bow hunt here. I have not bow hunted since 2003

    Hunting and Fishing


    2010 Bear Strike
    27" draw
    57 lbs
    Trophy Ridge HXL
    Trophy Ridge Punisher 5 sight
    PSE Radial X Weave STL Hunter 200
    G5 peep
    Slick Trick Grizz Trick 2 125