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May 25, 2021
Jul 25, 2008
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Apr 7, 1974 (Age: 50)
Bristol, WI/Buffalo Grove, IL
School Custodian

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Legendary Woodsman, Male, 50, from Bristol, WI/Buffalo Grove, IL

jfergus7 was last seen:
May 25, 2021
    1. longbowmanjimmy
      Hey bud hope alls been well, busy as hell this summer and just transferred to isu. Good luck this season maybe we can meet up for a beer sometime, got a buck tho other day so ill throw u some deer sausage when its ready ;)
    2. pastorjim08
      I'm pretty sure we are going to make it.
    3. jakeratt
      It is an amazing store. 220,000 sq ft. We have anything you would need for any sport. If we do not have it we will order it for you for no charge. The best thing is anything and everything you buy there is 100% satisfactory or we give you your money back. We also do not charge to work on any bow or gun work
    4. Just Passin thru
      Just Passin thru
      He is planning on it, but he has been really busy with work. He has been trying to think of a name for the past week :lol:
    5. SharpEyeSam
      Hey Jim,
      I found out the location of the land in Illinois. It is in White and Hamilton counties. Next door to Jefferson. If I am correct, Jefferson is where Grand Prairie is located. I will be scanning in the topo pics I have so I can get some info from you. I don't know if you are familiar with those areas or if you know someone that is.

      Anyways, let me know what you think when you see the topo maps.

    6. Rob W
      Rob W
      Thanks for the invite jfurgus , but I have a fishing trip to got to that weekend in Minnesota. I'm sure i'll catch up next Year
    7. jmbuckhunter
      I don't think so. Just not feeling it this year and I promised Christine I would help out at the Annual Fishing Fair at Pere Marquette Park.
    8. Gyle
      I was actually trying to post yesterday but I got caught up in some work and got distracted. My season ends on the 19th until late bow in December but I have a good spot where I hope Ill be able to tag a doe.
    9. Gyle
      My season doesn't start until the 27. I've got a few small bucks on camera that I planned a posting from one of the properties I hunt I just haven't downloaded them off my SD card yet. Ill get to it tonight after I get home.
    10. Marauder
      Hey my name is Tim and my number is 715 218 1405, if you wanna text me. Thanks.
    11. Marauder
      Also, not to be picky but I was hoping our main thread title could be changed a little bit. I was hoping the "up" could be changed to "Up!!" So it looks like Team 13 Bucked Up!! and not Team 13 Bucked up. Just a thought.
    12. Marauder
      sent the email
    13. Marauder
      I have the Avatar done I think. How can I send it to you for approval? Do I have to put it in photobucket or?
    14. minnesotahunter
      Thanks!! Looking forward to the contest!

      I leave for ND in 3 days, so we might get on the board early... Shot a 160 gross there last year on video. Also have some brutes on trail cam in MN where I do most of my bowhunting, so I hope to contribute.
    15. Gear Freak
      Gear Freak
      Trail Cam video went up last week. Click here or search for Gear Freak on Youtube. Thanks for the support.
    16. Schultzy
      Thanks Fergy!! I'm heading to northern Minnesota In the morning for 7 days of fishing, cocktails, campfires. Can't wait!!
    17. iHunt
      Yeah.... Things just didn't work out for us this year. My buddy is working in Nebraska this summer, and I have been working like crazy lately. We will definitely try to be there next year though!
    18. archerynut78
      Hey i was wondering if you were able to get any fire wood for weds night or if you were still looking
    19. _DANNY_
      hay bud sorry long time no talk. i sadly have work. if you go let me now and enjoy yourself.
    20. Treehopper
      Not a problem.
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  • About

    Apr 7, 1974 (Age: 50)
    Bristol, WI/Buffalo Grove, IL
    School Custodian
    I have been hunting for 10 years now. I have spent the majority of that time on public land but I now have a few private spots. I will be taking noel8998 into the woods for the first time this season and can't wait to help her get her first deer! Hopefully all on film!

    Deer-duck-pheasant Hunting, Fishing, Photography, Videography, Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, Camping


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