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New Profile Posts

  1. HuntingWesternMass1
    Open season in Massachusetts, ruts starting to heat up!!!
  2. cazador1022
    service to the nation
  3. kulivar
    Live alone is very bad for the life, So don't live alone.
  4. Eric Ehlenfeldt
    Eric Ehlenfeldt
    Good luck to all in the coming season
  5. Francisco chun
    Francisco chun
    try to die but not live alone
    Time wasted in a time well wasted.
    1. C Ethridge likes this.
    2. C Ethridge
      C Ethridge
      That’s solid man ! Great job bud
      Aug 16, 2022
  7. Joseph K Upshaw
  8. Agi Ambre
    Agi Ambre
    Good at breaking stuff.
  9. DH Outdoorsman
    DH Outdoorsman
    Let the countdown begin
  10. RH5
    "Live everyday as your last. One day you'll be Right" Frank Sinatra
  11. RH5
    Hoyt Easton Pro Hunter
  12. arkansasoutdoors
  13. Oldcarp
    Oldcarp LittleChief
    Hey LC, first I want to congratulate you on your buck. I have a proposal I’d like you to think about for next year‘s contest. I don’t know how many members here live in Utah, Nevada or Arizona or New Mexico. We do not draw deer tags every year in our home state. I only get a archery deer tag about every other year. Would they consider an elk instead of a doe for the 50 points?
    1. LittleChief
      Hey! First let me apologize for not replying to this. I simply never noticed that you’d sent me a message here. I almost never check this part of the forum.

      As to your question, I can tell you that the folks in charge would never go for that since this is only a “deer” contest.

      While I’d like to be able to say yes, I know it would never be allowed.
      Jun 13, 2022
  14. balich
  15. DH Outdoorsman
    DH Outdoorsman
    getting ready for spring hog hunt
  16. Dman70
  17. T E Hunter
  18. Big D
    Big D
    I'm trying to start a new saying I guess you would call it.. wack-bag. Shot and hit what it is your trying to hit.
  19. Owen Darrow
  20. Bama Beck
    Bama Beck
    Alabama whitetail and Hog bow Hunter, thermal predator and Hog hunts as well. I want to get into self filming so any advice is welcomed