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CO Elk 2011 (just a few months behind posting this)

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by bz_711, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    CO Elk Camp 2011

    With the arrival of my 4th child in March of 2011…I stuck to my plan of making no real plans to return to CO for a 2nd Elk hunt…until I knew all was good at home. My first hunt in 2010 at Will Nelson’s Ritz Carlton of an Elk Camp was fantastic…I got the whole experience as I witnessed my new hunting mate on that trip, Justin, arrow a nice 5x4 bull…and 4 of us packed it out over 3 miles in one trip. I was a full blown Elkoholic…and there was only one cure - do it again!
    By early summer 2011 – all was good at home – and my wife gave me the green light…I contacted a few buddies, and jumped the work outs into high gear!

    Sept 17th 10:00pm…4 of us IL boys hit the road for Elk Camp – Leaving the wife and kids will ever get easy – sure wish I could just take them all along, and hopefully someday I will. Along on this trip a great buddy since kindergarten Matt, an owner of the company I work for, Eric, and his hunting buddy L.B.(and new friend for me). About 3:00am just as I’m about to wake someone to switch me at the wheel, we hit road closed signs right across a major interstate…floods wiped out all roads in the area…this woke me right back up, and some 2 hour detour later…we were back in line for our destination…at 5:30 I handed the wheel over for an hour nap. Late morning, as we rolled into the Rockies – the feeling I get will never get old – I love everything about the mountains!
    Rain was setting in as we neared camp and temps were dropping – we rolled into camp and the TX boys were almost done getting their camp setup. Waid (txmarshmonkey), Steve, and Brian were as fired up as we were…Having some great neighbors for the week really added some fun to the trip – great guys!
    As soon as we got our camp set up – we got our first test on the structure – a strong storm blew in.


    We decided to take a ride before sunset and make plans for the morning hunt – as we drove high enough we got into a snow storm – what a pretty way to start the week off.


    Sept 18th: The plan was for the 4 of us to stick together that morning as the other guys had never been before – see what kind of sign we got into and have everyone get used to their GPS (you gotta have one)…and we had 2 goals in mind, spot first elk & hear first bugle. I think we took the steepest route we could have found – the rookies were getting broke in quick. Our first lookout of the day was gorgeous with snowy peaks from the first nights storm.


    Not too far into the morning hunt – we heard our first bugles, and they weren’t far away – we scrambled for a plan and took off – never to hear any more bugles. We decided to split in 2’s and cover more ground – ended up running back into each other late afternoon and made our way back to the Suburban together. No sightings, but heard some bugles – 1st part of our goal complete. We had a little light left so we took a ride to see if the “family truckster” Suburban could make it up the unmaintained 4WD roads the next morning…surprising to me – it was going to make it (with just a little “rubbing” along the way).

    Sept 19th: We set out to drive to the top of the mountain to start…half way up the 4WD trail in the dark we come upon a 4WD Toyota that was stuck in the middle of the road – and abandoned…there’s another way up the mountain from the back side so we hit the road – this turned into an adventure in itself as a few of the rock climbs I had to get out and eyeball before I’d take the Suburban up them…but each time I’d get back in and say “well we’ve come this far, why turn around.”


    Once on top, we packed in a ways together, then the plan was to spread out at different elevations and hunt back around to Suburban. I took the high line at about 11,500 ft. Sign was looking way better than day 1, and ground still fairly quiet from melted snow day before. As I came upon a small rock slide that I needed to cross I spotted a cow elk feeding on the other side approx 75 yards away. Instantly I snapped into high gear, arrow knocked…I was going to have to drop down about 50 yards to get around rocks…in a matter of less than a minute this big cow just fed her way out of sight…even as she grazed – these animals cover some ground in a hurry – you really don’t have any time to screw around. Later on at a radio check in – my buddy Matt tells me he had a bull come crashing in on him and about ran him over…he had arrow knocked but bull never stopped long enough to allow for a shot. Goal 2 complete – we had seen elk…sure looked like this plan was coming together.

  2. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Sept 20th: We thought – lets go where the elk are… We made it to the top and everyone headed in their own direction for the day. The weather couldn’t have been more beautiful – but I also think that turned into our problem the rest of the week – warm and calm, ground dried up and got loud for stalking…and no bugles to chase. I had come these same dates the year before and the Aspens were bright gold and I heard bugles 4 out of the 5 days…this year, the Aspens were all green still – and no bugles to chase…we were going to have to earn an Elk the hard way…just covering ground. No Elk spotted on day 3, we knocked off in late afternoon and hit Leadville for some much needed showers and a nice meal – other camps had the same reports of no elk sighted and no bugling – sleep came easy and early that night.

    Sept 21st: We tried a completely different area I had never been to on day 4 on the east side of the highway – we parked and followed a large creek deep into the mountains. No cell phone signals back here and very little radio contact with each other. Scenery was gorgeous, some mule deer were sighted, but the little elk sign was not very fresh.


    I did come upon some neat remains of an old cabin.


    Temps climbed higher and we were sweating good by noon. We met back up about 2:00, swung into camp for a great lunch – nothing beats grilling in the Rockies at Elk Camp, was checked over by the DOW officer, and headed out for an evening hunt to another new spot. The other 3 wanted to sit for the evening hunt, so we dropped each of them off at different spots and me at the far end of road – I would hunt a large half circle around them back to the start where the first sitter was with vehicle. I got into some great country and just as I was nearly at a standstill in huge pile of downed “telephone pole” pines…2 cows jumped up and just ran a short distance…arrow instantly knocked and looking for shot. I made my move as I knew I didn’t have long, sure enough no shot could be made in the thick cover and they soon made their way off – I was hopeful they would work their way by one of the other guys. Nearing sunset as I began to gain elevation up toward the road – I came up a steep ledge to a flat and a brown blob out of the corner of my eye snapped me to attention thinking it was the body of an elk – but even more exciting – it was a large brown phase black bear at 30 yards. I’ve been to CO 10+ times for family trips and had yet to see a black bear – what a rush this was. I reached for my cell phone to snap a pic (as my camera was in my pack)…phone was off and was slow to boot up – I ended up getting antsy and thought I better let this guy know what I am…I simply waived one hand and said “Hey”…he was outta there! Great evening hunt – a memory I’ll never forget!


    Sept 22nd: The plan for day 5 was basically to hunt in the middle of area of the few elk sightings we had so far. We parked and all headed separate ways. About 8:00am I stop for a quick break and check cell phone – LB had an encounter with a bull and cow at 25 yards…no shot – but that was encouraging again. We hunted remainder of day with no more sightings, temps very warm again…toward sunset I had a cow call getting closer which excited me at first – only to spot a bow and rifle hunter traveling together. 30 minutes later another rifle hunter. I was not too far from the vehicle being close to dark…so that’s what you get sometimes…gotta stay away from the roads. (CO had a “cow only” rifle tag season that was running that week)
    Back at camp we decided another night of showers – and went looking for a good steak. If you’re ever in Leadville – I recommend Quincy’s Steakhouse, as I’m walking in a gentlemen leaving says “you boys made a good choice coming here.” I asked what he recommended and he said all you can get is Filet Mignon…I kind of laughed. Well ends up – the only option you have when ordering is 11, 13, or 15oz Filet with potato and salad. What a fantastic dinner and very reasonably priced…I think I’ll hit Quincy’s twice next time!

    Original plans we had thought about hunting morning of day 6 then breaking camp…but with most of us having plans that weekend at home, we opted to get up first thing, break camp, and hit the road earlier. No Elk – but for me the magic of the mountains is just awesome and I enjoyed a great elk camp with these guys. The TX boys shared some camp fires and stories each night with us – sure hope we get to be their neighbors again.
    There’s no doubt I’ll be back to chase elk again – I have an unbelievable urge to arrow one – I might just have to sleep out with the elk and not return to camp until I get one. I will also add that we all saw a good number of mule deer on this trip.
    Just about to break Camp No Name…you can see the aspens began changing those last 2 days…


    Time to head home…until next time…


    This trip was the result of Will Nelson’s (iamyourhuckleberry) invite in 2010 to share his camp and share his knowledge of the area. Will has made it clear that he plans to build the Mega-Elk camp again in 2012 – anyone willing and able are invited. This is the real deal – if you have the urge to bow hunt elk, mule deer, or black bear in the rugged mountains of CO – mark your calendar…Looks like it would be around Sept 15th – 23rd.

    Here is a link to the 2010 Elk camp thread:
  3. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Matt sounds like a great time in Elk camp buddy thanks for the pictures.

    I have visited with Huck and he plans on having his camp again. Licenses can be bought over the counter for the area he sets you up in. He has asked me to co-host/sponsor this event with him for 2012 so I am making plans to be up there for a week (the last week of archery for elk).

    We are trying to coordinate a summer trip up there in order to get familiar with the area and do some scouting.

    If you have never hunted Elk in Colorado I recommend you try it. It one of the greatest hunts you can do in my opionion. You won't find a better deal than what Huck sets up for you and I'd be glad to help anyone interested in attending. If you have any questions let me know and I'll try my hardest to help you out.
  4. Backcountry

    Backcountry Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 18, 2009
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    Bitteroot Valley
    Matt, thanks for sharing. Elk hunting as about the same across the west this year. I had a fairly uneventful season. Lots of calling middle of September then tapered off to nothing for the last few weeks.

    The Rockies do something for your soul, I will never leave.
  5. BowFreak

    BowFreak Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 5, 2010
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    Great story and pictures Matt. Sounds like a GREAT time out there.
  6. 130Woodman

    130Woodman Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 18, 2008
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    Nice write up Matt. I'm going to take a break from elk hunting next year. It wouldn't be the same without Mike and Justin.Maybe in 2013 we can meet up.
  7. MN_Whitetail

    MN_Whitetail Weekend Warrior

    Dec 6, 2011
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    Farmington, Minnesota, United States
    The trip looks to be a success with or without an elk in the truck. Thank you for taking us along on your adventure.
  8. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Colby: Have you hunted Unit 45 before? The Peaks and ruggedness are half of what draws me to that area...

    Backcountry: No doubt I envy where you live...the mountains are magical

    Bowfreak: have you ever hunted in the mountains?

    Dan: Not sure what 2012 will bring yet for me either...would be nice to share a campfire (or a cold one) down the road.

    MN_Whitetail: absolute success - to me it's the best way to "recharge your batteries"
  9. CowboyColby

    CowboyColby Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I haven't hunted 45 I always hunted around the Sauguge (sp) area.

    Will and I are trying to plan some scouting trips so I can get up there and get familar with the country. Hope to get a lot of guys in camp it would be great.
  10. Justin

    Justin Administrator

    Jul 24, 2008
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    It can only get better from here! :D

    Nice write-up and photos Matt. :tu:
  11. bloodcrick

    bloodcrick Moderator/BHOD Prostaff

    Jul 24, 2008
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    southern Indiana
    Great read and awesome pics!! one of these days,,one of these, days I got to try that!
  12. OK/Sooner

    OK/Sooner Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 2, 2011
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    Eastern OK
    Elk hunting is by far my favorite thing to do. It rained on us for 38 straight hours this year. Ended up missing a cow and coming home with nothing but great memories with my dad and sister. Can't wait to go back next year. Great story.
  13. Bails-UK

    Bails-UK Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 4, 2009
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    Staffordshire , England , UK
    Hey Matt , what a great write-up and pictures , Elk hunting sure is addictive and they sure are an elusive critter .

    I knew when we shared Elk Camp in 2010 that you would be back for more , it was a pleasure to get to meet you and hope in 2012 we get to share Camp again . 2012 will be my third time out to Colorado Elk Camp and the old saying goes "Third time lucky" , although I may be leaving the Elk tag in exchange for preference points and a Mule Deer tag , another unit further up the road has my eye for Elk in 2014 . Plus after Elk Camp I'm off to South Dakota with Will , to Bowhunt Whitetail Deer for the first time . I love America :)
  14. Bowdy

    Bowdy Newb

    Oct 14, 2010
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    G'day Matt,
    Nice write up and great pics, some of those places look familiar:lol:
    Bad luck about not getting a crack at a Bull mate.
    Looking forward to seeing you sitting behind a nice big Bull in the not to distant future, keep at it.
  15. elkhuntinut

    elkhuntinut Weekend Warrior

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Erie, PA
    Nothing like a good elk hunting story in December !!! Needless to say its always about time with friends. Amazingly enought, my friend, who is in great shape for the mountains and experienced placing his first archery bull tag on his first elk, had a heart attack 6 weeks after we returned. Good news is he did no damage and now the appreciation for every year God gives us to enjoy the west is never taken for granted.

    Congrats on your addiction and I have been to Quincy's a few times myself, excellent choice..Thanks for taking the time to share
  16. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Some of them pics sure did look familiar. Brought back allot of memories. Great pics and write up Matt! Been waiting on this thread.

    Was this at Resolution?
  17. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Crick - next Sept, Unit'd fit in great at Will's camp!

    Dave - you can still accumulate Elk points and keep them when buying an OTC tag for unit 45 (I did this year and have 2 points so far). But even with a Mule deer tag - there were plenty of them to be had this year. Sounds like you have a heck of a trip planned for 2012. Once we get into 2012 a little more I'll know where I stand with returning to Elk camp...

    Grant - great hearing from you. No doubt we stood in some of those exact places in 2010 - I'll never forget our encounter with the bull Justin ended up getting! Have you been hunting the Samba?

    Rob - I think you're right about an Elk story in Dec...I might always save 'em a little while - nice to bring back Sept for a bit. Glad your buddy doing OK - thanks for reminding me to cherish every hunt I get. Always look forward to your Elk camp write-ups...what are you eying for 2012?

    Steve - I was not familiar with the East side of 24 at all - we were about half way up Resolution road, where a road crosses stream and heads south - they were replacing the bridge there and it had been out for awhile, so we followed the stream up and away from the road thinking that area hadn't had vehicle access during season at all - beautiful area, but Elk sign did not compare at all to other areas we hunted, only couple mule deer sighted.
  18. elkhuntinut

    elkhuntinut Weekend Warrior

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Erie, PA
    I am still building points for Arizona and have 7 points so far. Good part is I am within 5 years of pulling a good tag. We will probably apply in New Mexico for the Gila but as we talked today, it seems like we look forward to heading back to Colorado.

    We have some that have enough Muzzleloader points so we may go for two weeks, one week helping them and then finishing out with our archery hunt.

    By the way, we hunted 45 back in 2003 and the wife and I visited during the summer months...awesome place for sure..How about you, going back in 2012 ?

  19. bz_711

    bz_711 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Definitely want to go back, If I'm able to get away I would say it would be unit 45 again...if dates work out hopefully in Will's camp again. Building some points myself in CO and need to start on others...once I get my little ones in school I'd hope it will become a planned annual event.

    And of course there is always a Mulie, Bighorn, Moose, Caribou, Mountain and Speed Goats...:)
  20. txmarshmonkey

    txmarshmonkey Weekend Warrior

    Jul 28, 2008
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    Bridge City, TX
    Great write up Matt!
    Sorry its taken me a while to post or respond.

    It was great to see you fellas up there and great to share a few bs sessions around the campfire. Btw, don't believe everything Steve and Brian said about me. ;)
    I wish I could go back and re-hunt that week again. I had a blast! On the 18th which was our first full day of hunting I saw 8 elk! ..........
    Well I had the much longer reply and story typed in but got kicked off and I'm not retyping it again.
    None of us shot at an elk or deer but we all had close encounters. I had a a nice bull watching me broadside at 25 yards for a good minute,...I just didn't know it. When i saw him he walked off laughing. I also couldn't close the deal on several mule deer does and a buck. I saw a really good buck but never could get back on him.

    I hope to do it again and swap more stories with some familiar faces in 2012.


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