My Turkey Journal

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Iowa Veteran, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Iowa Veteran

    Iowa Veteran Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 10, 2008
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    There I was, looking down the barrel at a tom approaching his certain death. I remember it like it was just last week,and it could very well have been, I don't quite remember. I had slowly raised the barrel while he was looking the other way and now all I had to do was wait for him to walk into a shooting lane for me to squeeze the trigger that would send the hail of lead from my 3 ½” shell on its mission to cause death and destruction.

    I slowly glanced to the left and right to make sure that there was no other turkey out there to bust me and fowl up my mission. (Like my play on the word foul?) Focusing back on my prey I could see his long beard dragging along the oak leaves blanketing the forest floor. When he turned just right, his long spurs glimmered in the spring sun like highly polished knife blades. As he started his strut, his fan blocked out everything behind him. He was the biggest turkey I have ever seen in my life!

    Just as his head is completely vulnerable, I started to slowly squeeze the trigger to execute his death sentence. As the trigger reached its fully depressed position nothing happened! I squeezed the trigger again and again with the same results!

    I glanced around and there it was in the corner of my view, “Time expired, insert 50 cents to continue.” “Dang!” I screamed, or at least the word may vaguely resemble “dang”. I ran to the change machine only to realize that I only had a ten in my pocket. I looked around for attendant and the zit faced kid that was employed to make change for customers was nowhere to be found!

    All I could do was walk back to the Turkey Hunting USA game and watch as the countdown reached zero and my chance for the tom of a lifetime slipped away as the game reset.

    Boy, do I ever hate arcade games! :lol:

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