I am ready to tune my Mathews Drenalin. I have a string level and also a arrow level. So first things first I need to set my tiller and check draw weight? After that I need to level the rest and find the FOC. How can you do that without some expensive laser?
First thing............. Bottom both limbs the whole way down. Start there. Make sure DL is correct. Look at cam position. Mathews cams have two small dots that you can connect using a straight edge, or piece of string. If that line is parallel for a good 24"-30" out from the cam with the bow string, then your cam timing is good. Below is a pic of the timing marks: Your center shot from the rest to the inside of the riser should be at 13/16" of an inch. That's the best place to start on all Mathews bows. Your nock height should start about 1/8 to 3/16" high. Take an EVEN number of turns out of each limb till you get it at your desired draw weight. Shoot an arrow through paper, see what it's doing. If your spine is good, and the fletching doesn't have weird contact, I bet you get a bullet hole. Go outside and walkback tune the bow from 10 to 30 yards. Make sure those arrows are dropping vertically. If so, you are pretty much good to go. If you want to tune fixed broadheads to hit the same place as fieldpoints, then you have a few other steps, but the above will get you on a good start. Hope this helps!!