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Frustrated Rant

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by Andrew Asbury, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Andrew Asbury

    Andrew Asbury Newb

    Oct 1, 2015
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    West Central Ohio
    Good Morning, I want to preface this rant with a brief history. I have been hunting or attempting to hunt for this will be the start of my 4th year (1 - Shotgun 3- Archery) all of which have been blank. My previous experiences hunting have not been successful and sometimes down right crappy. My 1st yr shotgun hunting I had two does coming towards me when they decided to walk back into the standing corn they came from to only be shot by another hunter after legal shooting light. The following year was my first year archery hunting and before any one flames me I do shoot a xbow but that is due to a football injury to my shoulder making holding full draw nerve wracking if my shoulder is going to stay in the socket or not- I digress... but as I was sitting there in my natural ground blind here comes a nice 6 pointer and as I put the cross hairs on him my neighbor slams his horse gate and the last I saw of that buck was a white tail. The other year I didn't see a deer during shooting light- I got skirted at 6am well before I could see let alone shoot. I have sat in the rain, snow, freezing cold -15F wee hours of the morning to 1.5 hrs after sunset.&nbsp;<br><br>Fast forward to this 2015 season- In my area in Ohio it is difficult to find land to hunt let alone the boss allowing me out of the house to spend time in the tree or a blind. I have sat opening morning on a piece of property that looks like a major highway with several intersecting trails and 1 decent rub. I have located my stand by a creek and the main trail in a valley. I might have heard a deer just before shooting light up the hill up by my ground blind which is located on the main trail where it splits off into several other trails. The only wildlife I saw was a couple of squirrels, chipmunks and a skunk that scared the hell out of me. The next day the property owner sent me a text that they were in their property with a 4 wheeler cutting trails and clearing some area of brush so they can survey for where they are going to build their house. As the owner was riding at the top of the hill he spooked a doe (@1050am) and she ran all the way down to right in front of my stand (which I was not in). They said it was a pretty big doe too and he didn't say if she was milling about or bedded down. Last night I went out and sat in my blind up on the hill in hopes that a deer was going to pass by and go down towards the freshly picked field. But you guessed it No Dice!&nbsp;<br><br>When it comes to scent control I do the best I can with what I have. I hunt in a charcoal lined NBC suit, I use scent free baby shampoo and soaps, I use scent free deodorant. All clothing under the NBC suit have been washed scent free and hung outside for 2 weeks including my towel I use to dry off. I stay away from garlic, onions and other strong foods the day before hunting. I guess I am grasping at straws. I hunt not only to be in the woods which I enjoy but to put meat in my freezer. My only exception is to at least see a deer and if it is just out of shooting range them at least I know I have done my part it is just a matter of time before they walk by me. Any ideas or mindset tactics that I need to do differently?&nbsp;
  2. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Look at it this way, every minute that you spend hunting you are another minute closer to finally getting a shot.
  3. Longdraw

    Longdraw Weekend Warrior

    Nov 1, 2011
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    Dupage CO. IL
    Deer used to be shot with sticks & rocks, guys smoking or playing video games kill deer, so you have to be out there to kill one. Keep evolving into a better hunter and stay ready.
    Good luck!
    At least you got out, it's opening day in IL and I'm waiting for an invite that may take a couple weeks...

    NateJR_PABOWHUNTING Weekend Warrior

    Dec 25, 2014
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    Benton, Pennsylvania
    I think every hunter (atleast those in areas with free range deer) have those days where we see absolutely nothing, or we get those unexpected misfortunes when something or someone else spoils a hunt for us. There could be several reasons you have yet to find success, you could very well be entering your hunting spot from the wrong way and busting deer before you even get to your sitting spot. You could just be at the wrong place at the wrong time, deer can be predicable, but as soon as you think you have them figured out they will change their patterns, especially if they start to feel pressured in a certain area. If you know you're hunting in a area where deer travel frequently and you're not seeing deer, don't hunt there for a couple weeks and let things settle down, there's a chance those deer have been pressured away from that area for one reason or another, try a different spot.

    But one thing is absolute must.. You must be in the woods to give yourself any kind of chance at all. It's also important to enjoy what you're doing, when it becomes nothing but frustrating for you, sometimes it's better to take a little bit of a break.
  5. uncljohn

    uncljohn Weekend Warrior

    Jun 10, 2013
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    Land of Pleasant Living
    I'm sure most of us have been there dealing wih the frustrations of unsuccessful seasons.

    There is just as much luck involved in killing a deer as skill. Keep at it and your day will come.
  6. Stay_Sharp

    Stay_Sharp Weekend Warrior

    Sep 25, 2015
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    The frustrations and challenges are what make bowhunting the sport it is.
  7. MnHunterr

    MnHunterr Legendary Woodsman

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Central MN
    I rifle hunted for 7 years before finally shooting my first deer.

    It's called hunting for a reason - Just keep at it. The more you do it the more you will learn, and the more you learn, the more opportunities you will get.
  8. RCW3D

    RCW3D Weekend Warrior

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Relax my friend, it will come. I was lucky enough to harvest a deer my first year of hunting but there were many hunts before that where I saw nothing and was absolutely frustrated. You have to learn to embrace the time on the stand and relax...some of my most memorable hunts I never saw a deer at all but other sights or experiences made it worthwhile.
  9. JasonOhio2018

    JasonOhio2018 Die Hard Bowhunter

    May 2, 2014
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    North East Ohio
    I feel your pain brother as I'm sure most of us do. Just keep at it. It doesn't sound like there is any major thing you are doing wrong. Just relax and enjoy being out there and it will happen. All this time and hard work will make it that much more rewarding when it all comes together. Who knows, when it does, it may be a booner! Good luck and I'll ne looking for the post with the pics.
  10. jemcmichael

    jemcmichael Weekend Warrior

    Jul 21, 2012
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    NE Ohio
    I shot my first deer in my fifth year of hunting. I've shot at least a doe in the following nine seasons. Keep it up and keep learning. It'll all come together for you

    Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  11. Joe Bear

    Joe Bear Weekend Warrior

    Aug 11, 2013
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    SE Kansas
    Sounds like you need to talk to Justin Zarr! :bow:
  12. head2toe camo

    head2toe camo Weekend Warrior

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Maybe You need a mentor? You are doing a lot of things right, but There are lots of intangibles...maybe you can pick up subtle techniques for scouting, planning and actual hunting from a veteran. So many guys on this site are willing to help with nothing in return, and my experience is true hunters anywhere are the same way.

    Sorry but I'm not sure the best way to find a mentor. Typically it's family, family friend, or friend if a friend.
  13. Andrew Asbury

    Andrew Asbury Newb

    Oct 1, 2015
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    West Central Ohio
    Thank you all I appreciate the encouragement!!!
    Head2toe camo- I thought at one time I had a mentor but that person has other priorities than coaching a Noob. I am the first one in my family to hunt in fact, my father will often text me that he just went to the butcher and he didn't have to sit in the cold or get up at 4am. I however not only enjoy being in the outdoors but I like know where my food comes from...
    NateJR_PABOWHUNTING- Last night I studied a map to see if there were other entry points but I was not able to locate one as this piece of property is very dense and overgrown it would sound like a old russian T-72 was driving through the woods. I even have gone as far as considering low crawling up the 35yd hill to reduce my silhouette and reduce noise.
  14. C0wb0yChris

    C0wb0yChris Die Hard Bowhunter

    Oct 28, 2013
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    Welcome to hunting! Keep at it, the time will come. I've been gun hunting since I could walk but have only resonantly started seriously bowhunting... Bowhunting is a WHOLE nother beast to learn. And be consistent at in some areas is down right difficult. BUT that is (probably) the reason why most people love it. At least around here anyways.

    Stay at it...I'm in the rut with you. Been bow hunting for around 5 years...still haven't claimed my first deer yet with a bow.
  15. Jimi

    Jimi Weekend Warrior

    Oct 2, 2015
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    I started hunting with my dad when I was 10 and I didn't killed my first buck until I was 14, and didn't kill my second until I was 18. It just takes time, effort and a little bit of luck. Hang with it and don't get discouraged even though it may be difficult. Good luck this year! Every hour you spend in the wood exponentially increases your chances compared to not going out at all!​

  16. c e w

    c e w Weekend Warrior

    Nov 26, 2013
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    Wills Point Texas
    What everyone else said. yout sounds like you are doing your best. I hunted with bow only for 4 years got first one Monday. Before that with rifle wasnt much better hang tough. Try to find mentor try feed stores processor hell try facebook if you have to just keep it up and rember it is not the kill but the hunt that makes it good.
  17. DozRdeer2

    DozRdeer2 Newb

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Havana, IL
    Just keep after it. You are doing a lot of things right. A little luck will swing things in your favor. The best advice I got was this: "When the shot opportunity is about to present itself ... don't forget to breathe!" My first bow kill was in 3rd season ... a very old doe ... obviously senile! :lol:
  18. Andrew Asbury

    Andrew Asbury Newb

    Oct 1, 2015
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    West Central Ohio
    Good Day,

    I wanted to update you all on the season that I have had after your encouraging posts about continuing to be persistent. I took a half day off work on 10.16.15 got all settled into my blind at 1pm then at 4p I noticed a shadow walking a crossed the trail browsing. I judge her distance to be between 20-25yds I put my 25yd cross hair on her and let it fly. The arrow went right over her back and lodged in a tree I quickly and quietly loaded up another bolt but she head boobed and slowly just walked back the way she came. As I sit there beating myself up over my poor shot I heard a bunch of crashing behind me I sit there as still as can be ready... I peeked out of the corner of the blind and all I could see where antlers!!! :) I sit filled with anticipation that he is going to continue up the trail to give me a shot and he just stopped within literally touching distances and then he walked back the same way he came at a casual pace. Fast forward to 11.13.15 I am changing clothes on the side of the road when my streak of bad ju-ju continues. You guessed it the buck that I saw previously tried to cross the road in front of me at 20 yds in daylight @ noon when a car came down the road and spooked him off. I hoped he would return the entire time I was hunting a scrape I believed he was making to no avail. The very next day my wife and I were on a road trip that took us by the piece of property that I have been hunting when I see a white belly in the ditch. It was that buck that I had been after since mid October. I hunted this property only twice since then and havent seen any new tracks or sightings. I have stayed out of there in hopes that with all the gun season pressure they will likely use that area as a safe place. Here is to keeping my fingers crossed to at least get another shot at that doe.
  19. Riverduck11

    Riverduck11 Weekend Warrior

    Dec 2, 2015
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    Wow. You sure have had some tough luck. As you said letting it rest is a good idea. I always see more daytime movement after resting a farm for a week or more. At least you got a shot!! Bowhunting is hard!!
  20. Mkwa Hunter

    Mkwa Hunter Weekend Warrior

    May 1, 2013
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    Iron Bridge, ON
    I totally understand. I have been so mentally frustrated this year. I have sat 39 times and seen nothing. So tomorrow I am going to move my set to another spot. Keep you head up!

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