Looking for some gun oligest info! I have an archery Elk hunt scheduled for 2016 in colorado! Im wanting to buy a Bear defense pistol to carry and am wanting a .45 cal. Something with a short barrel, non stainless and will get a chest holster. Im wanting to go as about as cheap as i can, low end model that will get the job done with the right load. Im not much into guns so fancy is something i do not want. Who makes what I seek that os priced fairly low ?
Springfield XD or a Glock 30. Can find either for appx. $400. Lots of holster options. I played around with my set up before I went to Idaho this year. Ended up going with a regular kydex paddle holster on my hip b/c I felt that there would be a significant chance the string could hang up on a chest rig at full draw. That, and all the training I've done when I feel I need a pistol my hand instantly drops to my belt line. *probably won't be an issue in a .45, but keep in mind Commierado has magazine capacity restrictions. I *believe* the rules don't apply to non-residents as long as the magazines are not sold/transferred, but do your own homework and carry with caution.
I wouldn't trust my life in bear country to any cartridge that fits in a semi auto with the exception of the 460 Rowland. And a pistol plus 460 conversion kit is not gonna be cheap. I would recommend the cheapest 44 magnum revolver you can find if you want readily available ammo and don't reload. You can probably find a used 4.62" barrel Ruger Blackhawk for around $450-$500 if you watch gunbroker like the one below. Ruger® New Model Super Blackhawk® Single-Action Revolver Model 0813 It's important to have the right load in it too, I'd likely use a 300gr flat nose. Under no circumstance would I use any variation of a hollow point. If you don't reload the Buffalo Bore load below would be perfect. https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=49
I have the Super Blackhawk .44, it's an awesome gun I killed a deer with it a few years back, and she dropped in her tracks.
JUDGE??? Seems like a bada$$ revolver that packs a wallop. Talk to the guides or look on elk hunting blogs. Good luck!
Why not just go with bear spray? It would be way cheaper and putting a bullet where it's supposed to go under stress is a lot harder than putting a spray in the general direction especially since your not really into guns. Note I haven't really done any research to know the effectiveness of bear spray. Only what little I have seen on tv. But it's something to look into.
Honesty, I'd save your money if you will only be buying it for the trip. I thought about buying one before going this year and looking back, it wasn't needed. Just one more thing to carry all day
Question actually a couple of them. Say if you are going on a hike can you carry a pistol in Colorado to protect yourself. And because of this thread im guessing you can while hunting. Do you have to have a concealed carry permit? Could you carry a 12 gauge with slugs? That is what I feel like I would really want.
Protect yourself from what? Black bears? Highly unlikely you will ever need a weapon for that in Colorado. Bear spray would do just fine. Black bears in Colorado are typically, more afraid of you than you are of them. If you're hunting in grizzly country that's a different story.
Got ya thanks that's nice to know. I did not know there range of the grizzlys. I am moving to Colorado in a month and would like to do some hunting and enjoy the out doors and since the OP was concerned about them I was wondering as well.
I brought my 45 to CO. Never took it out of it's case. My dad had some spray for around camp. If I went back I'd leave the 45 at home. I'm with Jerry on this one. I don't worry about black bears. Grizzlys on the other hand..... Just my .02.
x2 On 5 trips to hunt elk in CO, I've seen 1 bear. I have bear spray, although sometimes I've forgotten it in another pack...I don't ever see the need to pack pistol for black bear...but, any excuse is a good one for picking up another firearem...I just would not want to pack it around all day for CO hunts. Now grizzlies...I'd be fine packing around an elephant gun
News flash....NO GRIZZLIES IN COLORADO. Twenty-five years elk hunting, hiking, fishing, camping, living in Colorado. Never, ever been threatened by a black bear in Colorado and I've seen and been up close to maybe 8/10 bears over the years. Never saw a need to haul around a firearm for protection from predators while bowhunting elk or deer in Colorado....I'm carrying a bow with sharp sticks to launch. Now the predators that walk upright....that's another story.
Breaking news!! Two of the guys im going with have seen Grizz twice, once pretty close! Another guy i work with that hunts more than anyone I know has also seen one while in Colorado! But then again,maybe mis identified! And this makes a guy feel better , thanks for the info! Have you hunted unit 12? I believe near steam boat springs!
All you need for bear protection is a small pocket sized .22 pistol. Not to shoot the bear, to shoot the guy next to you in the foot. I know, old old joke, I apologize.