Looking for some advice from some cooler heads.

Discussion in 'The Water Cooler' started by Skywalker, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Skywalker

    Skywalker Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 22, 2010
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    NW Missouri
    I'm going to preface this by saying I'm about as upset and irritated as I can be at this point. On Monday, my daughters school bus driver missed her drop off at my parents house(where she always gets dropped off). My daughter, who is 11 years old, finally got his attention and he stopped more than 1/4 mile away from their house on a fairly busy blacktop, and on a curve. He let her out there and told her to walk home from there. She did, walking up the blacktop until she got to the neighbors driveway, and then walked through my parents field to get to the house. Now, this isn't the first time this has happened, though this is the farthest she's ever had to walk. He has also missed picking her up on a couple occasions, and my parents had to take her to school. Until now, I have let is slide. Yesterday morning, my dad walked down to the bus with my daughter, and talked to the driver. The driver said he can't turn the bus around, and my father basically told him he didn't care how far he had to drive, he was to turn the bus around and bring her to their driveway. Basically the driver told my dad to get off his bus. That evening after school, the driver mad a smart azz remark to my daughter that "here grandpa was really looking out for here", since he didn't see him outside waiting on her. Fact of the matter was, they were standing in the house watching through the front door. Fast forward to last night, he told her "I really feel sorry for you that you have to live with those two men", referring to me and my father. He has also told her that she must sit in the front row so he doesn't forget she's on the bus. This makes her very uncomfortable.

    #1, he should never, ever drop a kid off in the road. #2, he has no business bullying my kid because he has issues my father or I.

    Now, we have a past with this man. His grandson stole multiple items from me in the past(treestands and trail cameras), Also, a couple years ago I caught him releasing his coon hounds at the corner of my property. Luck for him, they had not went onto my property as the trailed a coon onto the neighbors. We got into a bit of an altercation and he actually assaulted me. I just let it go, didn't fight back or press charges(probably should have). He basically was telling me he had the right to release his dogs anywhere he wants and he had the right to trespass to go get them. I let him know he's been warned that he has no right to be on my property and would be prosecuted if I ever caught him on it. So, needless to say there's no love loss between us, but for him to bully my daughter because he has a problem with me has pretty much put me to my breaking point with him. We have contacted the school with our issues, and they have referred us to the bus company, which I have left a voicemail with no response yet. My father has also contacted the school, and was given the bus company info to contact.

    I'm just looking for some levelheaded suggestions as to how I should handle this, because my emotions are running pretty hot right now. How would you handle this?
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  2. jrk_indle84

    jrk_indle84 Grizzled Veteran

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Adams co, IL
    First thing I would do is go to the school and talk to whoever there is in charge and if it feels that's getting no where keep goin higher. There is no way he is supposed to just kick her out where ever if he misses the stop. I know from personal experience having getting suspended from school for getting off the bus 1/4 mile from my house and walking home. (Long story) But I know then they threw a big fit because until they drop you off at your house they are responsible the same as when you're in a classroom. At least that's how it is around here and 14-15 years ago so I'm sure now in most places it's the same if not more.

    Like said other than just keep taking it up the ladder idk. I would think that's kinda part of the job description of being a bus driver but sounds like this guy is a piece of work and maybe shouldn't be driving kids around. Good luck I guess and I'd definitely think this would be a situation where you would need to keep your cool so may at least wait so you can calm down before doin much.

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  3. CoveyMaster

    CoveyMaster Grizzled Veteran

    Aug 7, 2013
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    MO/KS state line
    Honestly, I'd go kick the guy's butt...or get mine kicked.

    That said, I'm not the most sociable or level headed sob in the world either....especially when I'm mad. At this point, sitting here cool and collected, I'd say that's a bad idea, lol. At this point, given the history, any one on one contact between you and the driver would probably be a bad idea in general, haha.

    I think you've done all you can do at this point and see what the bus company says. Being the unsociable sob that I am...I wouldn't let my kid (if I had any) ride on a bus to start with, if there were any options at all. Especially considering the pos they have driving. For one thing if the driver is too stupid to be able to turn the bus around then he should not have the job, if he's too stupid to remember the stops, he shouldn't have the job...strike two...if he's irresponsible enough to drop a kid off on a highway, away from their designated drop off point than that's easily strike three and should not have the job.

    Sorry you're having these problems, it sucks having consequences that spring from protecting one's property like that, I know from experience. Keep at it, it'll all work out.
  4. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    Talk to the bus company, the driver sounds like an a-hole
  5. KHNC

    KHNC Weekend Warrior

    Sep 23, 2014
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    punch him in the **** seems the best response to me. but I agree with coveymaster
  6. wisconsin bow hunter

    wisconsin bow hunter Weekend Warrior

    Aug 13, 2013
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    Racine, Wi.
    If it were me, I would call the bus company and ask to speak to the safety director directly, and I'd explain to them what happened. I would make sure that when I spoke to the safety director, I'd ask for his/her name and the name of their supervisor as well. I'd make sure that he/she understood that the reason I was asking for their name is because I was going to document all the information I could regarding this so when I contacted the local news station to report how they treat the children in their care, that I had all names of all the people responsible, correctly.
    I would also inquire as to who their insurance company was so I could report the quality of the drivers they have working for them.
  7. Bronson

    Bronson Weekend Warrior

    Sep 16, 2011
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    Introduce the school system to your attorney.
  8. henson59

    henson59 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Champaign Co IL/ Ohio Co IN


    The thing with most schools these days is they don't run the bus service anymore. Most often it is contracted out to companies like first student. So it is no surprise that the school is passing the buck on to somebody else. If you left a voicemail I would give them 24hrs to contact you and then I would try again and if need be look up their corporate or regional office and give them a call as well.
  9. frenchbritt123

    frenchbritt123 Grizzled Veteran

    Nov 4, 2010
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    I would take a baseball bat to his knee caps and then practice kicking (40) yard field goals with his nuts until I was tired.
  10. CoveyMaster

    CoveyMaster Grizzled Veteran

    Aug 7, 2013
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    MO/KS state line
    This made me LOL!
  11. Matt

    Matt Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Call the school, ask for the administration in charge if busses.

    Not to be "that guy" or taking up for the driver AT ALL...but your dad should never have went onto the bus, that's a big no no.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2014
  12. PinkPony

    PinkPony Grizzled Veteran

    Jun 4, 2014
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    You need to contact the school board and the bus company if they are contracted out. That is NOT fair and actually he should lose his job over it. He is putting your daughter in danger and is also bullying her. Two things I'm sure are not allowed in the work place.

    I'd also go the next step and tell them if they do not take action, you will. Weather it be contacting an attorney, a local news station, or something to get them to realize you are serious.

    11 is an important age for anyone. Girls right now are in the transformation where they are maturing. This will make her feel embarassed - I would hate for this to effect her negatively. I was that girl in school - it's no fun! But I know how kids are - and wouldn't be surprised if this issue causes grief for her from other students (such as Grandpa "scolding" the driver).

    Your mind is in the right spot - you have all rights to be "hot" right now. Her safety is at risk. I would not want anything to happen to her (or your family). How far is it for her to be drove to school? At least until actions are taken within the school district.
  13. cr422

    cr422 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 9, 2013
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    First of all, forget the phone calls. Write letters. Phone calls can be forgotten as soon as someone hangs up. Letters get read and passed on for action and filed.

    Then find out which entity subcontracted the bus service. It could be the school administration, county, or whatever.

    Write to the person in charge of that entity informing them of the problem with pickups and unsafe drop offs. Point out to them the potential liability if she is injured, or worse, as a result. Point out to the person addressed that they could also incur personal liability now that they have been informed of the problem. Mention the emotional distress your daughter is experiencing as a result of his comments. Ask if it seems really appropriate for an unrelated, adult, school bus driver to be attempting to discuss her family issues with an eleven-year old girl.

    Draw up the same letter to the head of the bus company and send copies of both letters to each recipient.

    Letters, not phone calls. We lawyers (I am a lawyer) don't threaten people over the phone unless it's another lawyer.

    Let us know what happens. My guess is that they transfer him to another route. And then he'll start stealing all your stuff. Sometimes you just can't win.
  14. Jimmie

    Jimmie Weekend Warrior

    Sep 18, 2014
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    Hertford, NC
    Bronson probably has the best idea. ATTORNEY! No matter what the outcome, you are still going to have to deal with these people because it sounds as if they live very near you. Aside from stomping them flat, the attorney just may be best.
  15. TwoBucks

    TwoBucks Grizzled Veteran

    Feb 25, 2014
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    West Central MN
    You could easily get him fired for bullying an 11 year old girl... Get that in the paper right away

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  16. maxpetros

    maxpetros Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 10, 2012
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    I've F***ed up people who make inappropriate comments about my sister. If I had a daughter I most likely would do the same thing. But the best thing to do would be to contact an attorney to prevent any more negative repercussions against you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. virginiashadow

    virginiashadow Legendary Woodsman

    Mar 6, 2009
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    Here is the deal. That bus driver dropping her off like that should warrant him being fired. That is totally irresponsible and shows no desire to keep kids safe. Also him speaking to your child in that manner is unacceptable.

    Speak to the principal. Bottom line....get the ball rolling with him getting transfered away from your daughter or get him terminated. I have a 12 yr old daughter and would be friggin livid.
  18. dnoodles

    dnoodles Legendary Woodsman

    Oct 13, 2012
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    People's Republic of IL
    given the history between him and your family, there is no way he is "forgetting" to drop your little girl off.
    You have a couple options on this:

    1) talk to your daughter, and identify a) any other kids get "forgotten," and (either way) b) if there are any other kid(s) who could act as witness. Talk to that parent(s) and get permission to get a witness statement from that kid. Any driver who would do such a thing is a danger to all the kids on that bus and other parents should be willing to help.

    2) Write a letter/email to the bus company identifying the issue, the dates involved, and note that you have witnesses and will seek "alternative" methods of redress (lawyer speak for lawsuits) if the driver is not at least reassigned to another route.

    3) Go to the next school board meeting and raise a forceful but respectful stink about the bus company's lack of response and your concern for the kid's safety. Make it clear that you consider the driver's behavior to be bullying your child in response to past altercations between the driver and your family. Make sure you use the buzzword "bullying" and the school board will likely pee in their pants as it's the new buzzword cause that everyone is concerned about. Make it doubly clear that if it happens again, and/or anything happens to your kid between the time she steps off that bus until she steps into your home, that both the bus company AND the school will be held to account (more lawyerspeak for lawsuit pending.)

    If none of that works (and some sort of combination of that should)...
    well, you gotta whup a man's (butt) sometimes
    ~ Trace Adkins
  19. patinthehat

    patinthehat Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Huntsville AL
    Start writing letters. Write a letter to the school system superintendent. Write a letter to the school board. Write a letter to the bus company. Tell them what is going on, tell them that you will be taking this to your attorney, and tell them you will be taking this to all of the new stations in your surrounding area so people can know what kind of trash they have driving their kids around. Heads will start rolling then.
  20. NEW61375

    NEW61375 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 24, 2009
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    Wow some good responses here. Way better than mine...I can't get past stomping a mudhole in his arse. Drop my daughter off 1/4 mile from the house and it's not too likely I'll be looking for a pen and pad to write a strongly worded letter.

    But listen to the other guys nobody likes sitting in a bullpen or having court dates.

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