I'm just curious as to what everyone else likes. Do you have a favorite form? How about the pose, do you like Upright, Semi-Sneak, Full Sneak? Pedestal mount? I think the McKenzie 6900 Semi-sneak is a great form. I had last years buck mounted on this form and it looks awesome.
I got my buck from 2010 mounted in a similar position and I really like it, it might have actually been the 6900 I don't remember.
I don't know the model but I really like the full sneak!! My 2012 buck was done that way and I really like it!!
Just had this dilemma this weekend when I dropped my MO deer off. I chose the semi-upright left turn 8400 form.
Not sure what the number is but my favorite is the Mckenzie "full aggressive" form. Ears pinned back and head slightly turned. Whitetail Offset Upright Aggressive Series by Ben Mears
you know what this thread needs? More pictures! I say you can't name a pose with sharing a picture of it!
My first buck from this year is going on a 6900 semi sneak. I've seen a few on these forms and they looked really good if it's a big body deer. My second buck was in full sneak head down on the doe he was pushing when I killed him so I'm going to get him done on a full sneak. I'm headed to the taxidermist tonight to drop him off and I'm still stuck on which form I want to use. I really like offset forms as they make the body look bigger, but I don't like the faces on most of the offset full sneak forms I've seen. The Meder and Mears forms by McKenzie have really wide bridges on the muzzle and the end of the nose is very round and cow looking, so I'd like to stay away from those. If my taxidermist is comfortable working on it and my cape will fit it (only available in one size) I'm going to ask if he'll use a Ohio Taxidermy Supply Sneak Sweep. Below is a pic of a mount used on this form.
I'm partial to the semi-upright/alert. Don't recall the form, but this is my buck from 2009. Although, a full turn/pedestal most likely will be my next. I just keep euro mounting everything, though. :D
I love that form as well. I just haven't killed a deer big enough to justify that form. If/when I get my buck of a lifetime that's one I'll consider heavily.
I'm going to have to see pics of this buck when it's finished. If I ever buck out in the same season or kill another 150+ I might be picking this form. They look sweet!